Bibliography on Tea (to be supplemented)
Buob, Baptiste. 2006. Le plateau à thé à l’épreuve du creuset marocain: histoire, fabrication et usage. Horizons maghrébins – le droit à la mémoire 55: 103–13.
Caillé, René. 1965 (1830). Journal d’un voyage à Tembouctou et a Jenné dans l’Afrique Centrale. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, vol. 3. (reprint: Paris: Édition Anthropos).
Creyaufmüller, Wolfgang. 1979. Völker der Sahara: Mauren und Tuareg. Stuttgart: Linden-Museum.
Creyaufmüller, Wolfgang. 1983. Nomadenkultur in der Westsahara. Die materielle Kultur der Mauren, ihre handwerklichen Techniken und ornamentalen Grundstrukturen. Hallein: Burgfried-Verlag.
Damani, Ahmed Elbachir. 2013. Aschay as-sahraaoui: Dars at-tariikh wa siyaqaat at-taghaayur aliikhtimaayi (in Arabic: Tea of the Sahraouis: Lessons in History and the Framework of Social Change). Casablanca: Al marqiz athaqaafi al a’arabi (Centre of Arabic Culture).
Diawara, Mamadou and Ute Röschenthaler. 2012. ‘Green Tea in the Sahel: The social history of an itinerant consumer good’. The Canadian Journal of African Studies 46, 1: 39–63.
Fromer, Julie. 2008. "Deeply Indebted to the Tea-Plant": Representations of English National Identity in Victorian Histories of Tea. Victorian Literature and Culture 36, 2: 531–547.
Heiss, Mary Lou and Heise Robert. 2011. The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide. Potter, Ten Speed and Harmony.
Hémadinquer, Jean-Jacques. 1962. Le thé à la conquete de l’occident. Le cas marocain. Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations 17, 6: 1145-1151.
Hohenegger, Beatrice. 2006. Liquid Jade: The Story of Tea from East to West. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Huetz De Lemps, Alain. 2001. Boissons et civilisations en Afrique. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux.
Krieger, Martin. 2009. Tee. Eine Kulturgeschichte. Köln: Böhlau.
Labaree, Benjamin. 1964. The Boston Tea Party. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lakhsassi, Abderrahmane and Abdelahad Sebti: 2012 (2.ed.). Min aschay ila el Atay: Al adar wa at-tarikh (in Arabic: From Aschay to Atay: Tradition and History). Rabat: College of Literary and Human Sciences.
Leriche, Albert. 1951. De l’origine du thé en Mauritanie. Bulletin de l’IFAN 13, 3: 868–871
Leriche, Albert. 1953. ‘De l’origine du thé au Maroc et au Sahara’. Bulletin de l’IFAN 15, 2: 731–736.
Lydon, Ghislaine. 2009. On Trans-Saharan Trails: Islamic Law, Trade Networks, and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Western Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Macfarlane, Alan and Iris Macfarlane. 2003. Green Gold, the Empire of Tea. A Remarkable History of the Plant that Took Over the World. London: Ebury.
Masquelier, Adeline. 2013. ‘Teatime: Boredom and the temporalities of young men in Niger’. Africa 83, 3: 470–491.
Miège, Jean-Louis. 1957. ‘De l’origine et le developpement de la consommation du thé au Maroc’. Bulletin economique et social du Maroc 20 (71): 370–398.
Miège, Jean-Louis. 1981. Thé et café en Afrique du Nord. Bulletin I.H.P.O.M. 14.
Mintz, Sidney. 1985. Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. New York: Viking.
Mittwer, Gretchen. 1999. Le Chanoyu, l’art de thé au Japon. In: Crédit Communal (ed.). Tea for 2. Les rituels du thé dans le monde. Brussels: Galérie du Crédit Communal, 115–137.
Monod, Théodore. 1955. Sur la forme de la théière maure traditionelle, Notes Africaines 67.
Monod, Théodore. 1963. A propos de l’origine de la théière maure. Notes Africaines 97.
Röschenthaler, Ute. Forthcoming. Teatime in the Sahel: How Green Tea became Mali’s National Drink. London: Bloomsbury.
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. 1983. Das Paradies, der Geschmack und die Vernunft: Eine Geschichte der Genussmittel. Berlin: Ullstein.
Schroeter, Daniel. 2002. The Sultan’s Jews: Morocco and the Sephardi World. Stanford: University Press.
Sharma, Jayeeta. 2011. Empire’s Garden: Assam and the Making of India. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
Thomas, Gertrude. 1965. Richer than Spices: How a Royal Bride’s Dowry Introduced Cane, Lacquer, Cottons, Tea, and Porcelain to England, and so revolutionized Taste, Manners, Craftmanship, and History in both England and America. New York: Alfred Knopf.
Ukers, William. 1935. All about Tea. New York: The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, 2 vols.
Vries, Peer. 2009. Zur politischen Ökonomie des Tees. Wien: Böhlau.
Yong Liu. 2007. The Dutch East India Company’s tea trade with China, 1757–1781. Leiden: Brill.