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Brand name Chameau
Meaning of name Chameau, the French word for camel, is one of the oldest tea brands in Mali. The image of the two-humped camel refers to the journey of tea on the terrestrial silk road on which camels transported black tea in the form of tea cakes across Asia to Eastern Europe and the Orient up to Alexandria. It is owned by Chinese importers and the older green packages display a characteristic type of floral ornament that is also found on other Chinese-owned tea brands (Temple du Ciel).
Brand owner and distributor Chinese

Chameau (dark green)

Type of tea Special Gunpowder
Collection dates / places Yaounde (Cameroon), 2013
Yaounde (Cameroon), 2014
Yaounde (Cameroon), 2017
Package size 100g, 250g
Registration 1998

Chameau (brown)

Type of tea 3505, Extra Fin Gunpowder
Collection date / place Bamako (Mali), 2007
Package size 25g
Registration Unknown

Chameau (red-green)

Type of tea 3505, Special Gunpowder
Collection date / place Bamako (Mali), 2009
Bamako (Mali), 2010
Package size 25g
Registration Unknown