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Brand name Gazelle
Meaning of name Gazelle (from Arabic ghrazᾱl) is an animal of the savannah and said to be able to resist the harsh savannah climate. Gazelle also refers to a beautiful woman. When it first appeared on the Malian market around 2007, the name Gazelle was written on the package. A couple of years later, the name was removed, due to disagreements between the Chinese supplier and the Malian distributor. As Gazelle has been one of the best-selling tea brands in Mali and beyond, numerous counterfeits and trademark infringements appeared on the market (Gazelle et ses petites, Antilope No.1, Gaza Super, La Biche, Chazel). The Malian importer eventually created the red Gazelle that distinguished it by colour from the previous copies that all were in yellow-light green. Right from the beginning, Gazelle was only available in one colour and quality, as most of the tea brands after 2009. The Chinese importer also had a sitting Gazelle in packages as well as in satchets of 25g.
Brand owner and distributor Chinese at first, then Malian (Saharan)

Gazelle with writing

Type of tea 7 stars, no further indication
Collection date / place Bamako (Mali), 2011
Dakar (Senegal), 2015, imported from Gambia
Dakar (Senegal), 2017
Package size 25g
Registration 2007

Gazelle without writing

Type of tea 7 stars, no further indication
Collection dates / places Bamako (Mali), 2011
Wa (Ghana), 2015
Banfora (Burkina Faso), 2016
Niamey (Niger), 2016
Package size 25g
Registration 2010

Gazelle (cubic without writing)

Type of tea 7 stars, no further indication
Collection date / place Accra (Ghana), 2012
Package size 100g
Registration 2007

Gazelle (red, without writing)

Type of tea No indication
Collection dates/places Niamey (Niger), 2016
Yaounde (Cameroon), 2017, imported via Mali
Package size 25g
Registration Unknown