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Brand name Lobo
Meaning of name Lobo is the personal name of the Malian merchant who imports this tea. The tea package from Bobo Dioulasso is a trademark infringement. The original image reminds of a socialist type of painting, whereas the one from Bobo shows the Chinese wall.
Brand owner and distributor Malian (Djokoramé)

Lobo (small package)

Type of tea 4011, Super Chunmee
Collection date / place Bamako (Mali), 2016
Package size 25g
Registration Unknown

Lobo (cube)

Type of tea 4011, Super Chunmee
Collection date / place Bamako (Mali), 2013
Package size 250g
Registration Unknown

Lobo (pirated, cubic with Chinese wall)

Type of tea 9371
Collection date / place Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), 2012
Package size 100g
Registration Unknown