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Brand name Taoudeni
Meaning of name Taoudeni was a very popular brand between 2009 and 2016. The name refers to a place in northern Mali where salt has been extracted with slave labour for centuries. The trade in salt was controlled by Touareg. They transported the salt by camel caravans to Timbuktu. The package depicts such pieces of salt.
Brand owner and distributor Malian (Saharan)


Type of tea 7 stars, no further indication
Collection dates / places Bamako (Mali), 2009
Bamako (Mali), 2013 (100g)
Niamey (Niger), 2016
Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso), 2016
Banfora (Burkina Faso), 2016
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2016
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2018
Package size 25g
Registration Unknown